Our Xcel Program
Our Xcel team is broken down into 4 levels – Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. The rate at which girls progress through levels varies depending on the gymnast. Girls can expect to spend 1-2 years at each of the Bronze and Silver levels, but many will spend 3 or more years at Gold before moving into Platinum.
Athletes enrolled in the TGA Xcel Program practice year-round for 6-9 hours per week (2-3 days). Our highest level gymnasts practice 12 hours per week (4 days). Our Xcel competition season starts in January and finishes in May with the home meet or state competition. Typically, the girls compete in roughly one meet per month.
Enrollment in the Xcel Program is by invitation only.
For more information, click to email us.

Recreational and Boys Coach: Marcus Johnson
“I solemnly swear I am up to no good” -Harry Potter
Gymnastics Classes
Fitness & Tumbling
Parties & Events
We are dedicated providing quality fitness & gymnastics instruction for children of all ages and levels.